Thursday, August 16, 2007

sonnet español

Alfonso the eleventh, a former king of Spain
Was often plagued by nightmares of worms within his brain.
Fearful of doctors' derision, but more for the state of his head,
he stationed twelve hungry sparrows in ranks at the head of his bed.

Each night as he donned his nightgown,he would whisper to his sparrows,
"Watch out for those wormies, be swift and sure as arrows,
If you see them peeking from the innards of my ears,
Peck and snap and gobble up those beasties of my fears."

Alfonso's wife, a patient sort, endured this for some time,
The sparrow poo, the twittering, Alfonso's nightly rhyme.
Eventually she had enough - the birdies had to go.
The worms, the rhymes, the ghastly noise - and so did Alfonso.

Accept that quite uneasy lies the head that wears the crown,
But don't let worms obsess you - that really brings you down.

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