Monday, July 23, 2007

suburban weekend

This is the view from my apartment at about 9:00 on Saturday. As you can see, the weekend weather was sublime. I think the temperature peaked at about 13 degrees. This was the first time I tried the trek to the supermarket. It wasn't too bad.
The nearest market is 4km away, but it is a fairly pleasant walk through downtown, and I managed to get a few days' worth of groceries into my backpack. Walking is the only exercise I'm getting at the moment, so I shouldn't complain. The only odd thing at the supermarket was that they asked for my passport when I paid by credit card, and there is a place on the docket to put your passport number. Apparently they used to have a lot of credit card fraud.

I spent most of the weekend with a colleague from work, doing lunch, shopping, etc. We had lunch in Palermo. Despite the picture to the right, it is quite a chic area - full of clothing shops and restaurants.
We had lunch at a restaurant whose name escapes me. Though the menu was heavy on the less appealing internal parts of animals (gizzards?), they did nice salads.
Sunday we went to an up-market riverside suburb called Martinez, had lunch and walked along the river for a little while. It was a bit too cold and miserable to be out, so I felt for this homeless guy with his little fire on the river bank. We got to go to the mall and have coffee to keep warm.

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